Saturday, March 7, 2009

Love Story

  It was going to be a fancy dinner for Ted's birthday.  Elaine would be traveling to Houston for the event, and friends would be joining them at an upscale restaurant where their meal would have many courses, fine wine and romantic atmosphere.  All plans were made:  they would wear very nice outfits, expect to spend several hours at the restaurant and make Ted's birthday one to remember.  All plans unfolded without a glitch, then while the foursome was having coffee and dessert, the waiter brought Ted an envelope, bowing and saying, "Here's a card for you, sir."  Ted opened the card while the others watched as he read it carefully then commented, "This is very touching."  He looked at the card for a few seconds more then asked Elaine, "Would you like to read it?"  "Oh yes!"  Elaine replied, thinking someone had sent Ted a very sweet birthday card and wanting to share this special moment with him.  Ted handed the card to Elaine and she opened it.  What she saw was not a birthday wish for Ted, but a photo of Ted in the very suit he was now wearing and holding a small ring box. The note in the card did not say "Happy Birthday Ted!", but "Elaine will you marry me?!" She looked up in complete surprise to see the real Ted rising from his chair, removing  a ring box from his pocket and then down on one knee at her feet.  Elaine was wide-eyed and speechless when Ted looked up at her and asked in person the life-changing question:  "Elaine, will you marry me?"  With tears of joy and laughing and crying at the same time, she said  "Yes!"  The perfect moment was videoed by the friends, and the card is one Elaine will keep forever.

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